Wednesday, April 12, 2017

She floats!!!!

Today Rumpus ended her 21 month hibernation and we are in the water!

We scrubbed, we sanded, we polished, we painted, we shopped, we sweated.

The super crew at Puerto del Rey  took great care with our baby.

A few glitches: no instruments, no chart plotter and at first no engine.

However....once we had ignition, we were on the move and we are snug in our marina berth. Our Easter plan? a shakedown cruise to the Spanish virgin Islands (Culebra and Vieques)

Stay safe in Aotearoa with Cyclone Cook ! we are thinking of you!

The guy on the left is driving the hoist with his little remote control

Sarah and Ryan watching Rumpus on the move
Last minute antifouling on the keel

And finally in the water!!!! 

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