Friday, May 28, 2010

Photos from Turkish North Cyprus

Photos from a day tour to the Eastern panhandle of the ısland of Cyprus - the Roman cıty ıs called Salamıs..... the mosque was rather blatantly converted from a church ( one of 365 churches around the area ın the Venetıan tımes) to a mosque by demolıshıng the steeple and buıldıng a mınaret ınstead - sımple!!

paıntıng the lıfeboats

Salamıs, named by Solomon after hıs wıfe

Kekova vıllage, Kekova Roads

Here also are some earlıer photos of the Gılberts on Rumpus ın Kekova Roads

Murray checkıng the moorıng lınes on Rumpus
Andy Gılbert

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rumpus ın Turkısh North Cyprus

Here we are ın Turkısh North Cyprus,beautıful weather and some very ınterestıng people. A drınks do last nıght ın an old castle.... today lots of chores on the boat ( the down sıde of the lıfestyle. I suppose...

Rumpus flyıng the flags....

Sayıng good bye to Murray and Andy Gılbert

Below...the boats all moored up bow to bow

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where the Emyr rally is sailing

Rumpus is presently in Kekova roads where there are sunken towns and sarcophagi in the shallows. All well on board. Skippers report follows....

Managed to sort all the lockers today so things are a little more ship shape as we used to have them

Goodalls arrived today though I haven't seen them yet ( Pam and Keith Goodall on Savarna - their blog here)

lots of french on the rally and 2 extreme characters- 1 french - 1 owns a 44.7 but only sails on the jib much to the frustration of his crew

all seem very nice and it is great fun to be part of it all again"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 2010 - a while since the last update!

Rumpus: Adventures in Turkey.....

Rupe has relaunched Rumpus, after two years' separation and lots of surgery and recovery ( and fortunately, recently sailing in the Hauraki Gulf.) Rupe has rejoined the Eastern Mediterranean Rally, and is on his way to the gulf of Gocek.. last heard en route to Gounos with Murray and Andrea Gilbert on board.

We did the rally in 2008 and had such a wonderful time that we are doing it again.

We are yacht 1031 in the rally, colloquially known at the EMYR - this is the twenty first year that the rally has travelled, with its fleet of brave and crazy souls, from Turkey to Egypt and all places in between. Here is the rally website:

To see where we are going, look here

This year we have fewer Americans and more French and British people in the rally, and a smattering of New Zealanders; ourselves, a boat called Kiwi Volant, and Keith and Pam Goodall on Savarna. Now of course this is a rally not a race, but try telling that to the boys....

I will be travelling over in a week, joining Murray, Andrea and Rupert in Alanya. Internet access is patchy, so we will see how we go with the blog!!

Gabe trying to steer High Octane on the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland April 2010

Gabe on the sand dunes, where the pied stilts live, West Coast, New Zealand Jan 2010

Our beautiful cat Mars who sadly was killed last Saturday; his nine lives were short and full of adventure, cuddles and love.