Monday, May 15, 2017

New Crew... and Panamanimals

We decided to take a side trip to Cartagena, Colombia so we are staying the night in Panama City before we go to the airport in the morning. What an amazing sky and coastline. Bus broke down getting here and it took hours, but worth it for the view.

From the window of the Plaza Paitilla Inn

We had dinner at the Balboa Yacht Club which is at the Pacific end of the Panama Canal.

The Puente de las Americas has a shape that looks very familiar to Aucklanders


We have new crew! Nicolas from Madrid, and Katya from Uzbekistan. 
They are both in their late 20s and both speak 5 languages. They have only just met each other (and us) so this will be an interesting time. They are free travellers who prefer not to travel by air and seem very keen to help out and to learn.  We are pleased and relieved as the prospect of a two-handed passage was looming. 

Back in Shelter Bay this morning Vicky, Bryce, Molly and I went on a nature walk from the marina.

morning grooming

handball court behind the disused recreation centre for the former base

black hawk

Three toed sloth high in a tree

why did the agouti cross the road???

howler monkey feeding upside down

Pechiamarillo (Yellow pants) - actually a tyrant flycatcher.

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